We have spent an exciting weekend living amongst box mountains in preparation for our move this week. Besides forgetting half of the stuff I had intended to pull aside from the movers, we've had a really fun weekend. We have made 3 course meals with one skillet and a cheese knife, played box hide and seek, mixed a cake up in a water pitcher with a flimsy spoon (which turned out REALLY tasty by the way!!), its kinda been fun! The truck comes tomorrow to haul off all our stuff, followed by a week of cleaning, girls camp, family camping and a 12 hour ride in the car to our new home in Provo Utah!! I am planning on sending out address cards with our new address and stuff once we get life stable again, so if you want one, be sure to let me know (either leave a comment or email me your address and such...)
We have had so many wonderful friendships and experiences here in Arizona and will miss them terribly. I cried when I walked into my boxed up house Friday realizing that this was it. I was leaving the home I have loved for 3 years and the state I have called home for 8! But, I am bravely standing tall and looking forward to the exciting things to come.
When God closes one door in our lives, He always seems to open another.
A Week of Concerts, Play, Funeral, and Mother's Day
8 months ago