Well, folks! Lulu decided to walk yesterday. It was a busy day starting with a very small yard sale (mostly to get rid of 2 strollers and a couch... we sold two strollers and are pending on the couch. So, it was a success!) Anyway, we were talking to our neighbor and Dallan says, "Lucy stood up!" I'm thinking, big deal, she stands up all the time. The catch was she stood up with nothing and no one to hold on to. So my assumptions with Lucy's personality were correct. She had to decide "I want to walk" and she would. So, she then walked a good distance in the grass toward me! We cheered and applauded and made a HUGE deal of it! So of course she did it again, and again and again! And voila! She is walking. It's still faster to crawl, so unless she is wanting praise, she still crawls. But I'm so happy she is walking now! Mostly because it seems less dirty to walk than to crawl. Like the other day at the zoo, we were in the goats petting zoo and Lucy crawled right into a pile of goat poop. It was so disgusting, but if she were walking, I would have been cleaning a shoe and not racing to the sink to wash her hands before they got near her mouth and face. So anyway, all you who say, "You don't want her walking.... its better they don't walk." I just don't believe you. I'm so EXCITED that my Lucy is a walker! Take a look:
A Week of Concerts, Play, Funeral, and Mother's Day
9 months ago
she's gorgeous! i miss you guys! hope you have fun runnin after her!
She is gorgeous! I want more pictures!!
Way to go, Lucy!
Hey stephanie! I found you off facebook. I'm so adding you to my list! Check my blog out at gregandcamille.blogspot.com
Wow. She's so darned cute. Ben finally took off, too. It breaks my heart a little, but you're right, it's WAY less messy than crawling.
It was so fun to see you and the girls at Grandma's party. I've got some cute pics of them I'll try to remember to send you.
Oh my goodness! Your little girls are so big now!! Little cutie patooties!! I always had your old blog address so I'm way excited I found your new one! Yes, let's play soon! That is the cutest video of Lucy by the way! I was totally cheering when she got up :p haha
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