Thursday, December 30, 2010

Christmas in a Nutshell

There were presents needing wrapping

and a meal to be had,Santa had been checking, who'd been good and who'd been bad.
We tell the story of the babe
born in Bethlehemwhere shepherds and the wisemen saw the great "I Am"
And even though we were not there
when that star was in the sky
We know that Jesus Christ the Lord
came for you and I.

Our Christmas Tree was found so bright
The stockings had been stuffed
Christmas day was surely here
Now, haven't we waited long enough?!And it was a very, Merry Christmas.
(Lucy was SO excited to get Bullseye from Toy Story for Christmas, which was a Christmas miracle in many ways. They aren't found in stores, and I feel very fortunate to have found one like I did, when I did. Christmas Eve, as she was getting ready for bed, she told us, "I will know which stocking is mine, because I will feel all of them and when I feel Bullseye, that one will be mine." Needless to say it didn't dawn on her Christmas morning that maybe Bullseye was too big to fit in a stocking! She was incredibly sad until we pointed this out to her, at which point she made a mad dash for the tree and knew just which box should be opened first. Obviously, the one with HER name on it! Wohoo!)


Our little corner said...

Very cute idea on how to tell about your christmas! I love it! Sounds like it was a hit!

Grandma in NEAZ said...

Fun to see the Desert paintings on the wall. You moved the furniture around a bit.
So glad Bullseye made it under your tree. I would like to hear the background story.
Fun Christmas photos.

Becky said...

You and your children are adorable!

Kay said...

Lucy and Ej would be great friends, EJ got Buzz and Woody for christmas. Fun Christmas!