Friday, December 17, 2010

This is the Season

Well, we got lucky this year and Santa came to us. We didn't have to brave the mall lines to sit on his lap, instead he happened to show up at our Ward's Christmas Breakfast. Not surprised, but Lucy was our only brave soul. Amelia needed a hand holder and didn't say much, Matthew wanted nothing to do with him, and Lucy was right to the point. "I want a bullseye." she told him. He looked at her with the look from "Christmas Story" the movie, YOU'LL SHOOT YOUR EYE OUT! Different bullseye. I love how she knows how to get things done.

The primary children did a nativity presentation while the group and children sang "The Nativity Song". Lucy chose to be an angel, and Amelia was one of 12 Mary's. The one boy who chose to be Joseph was one lucky fellow!
Merry Christmas!

1 comment:

Haslams said...

12 Marys! Hahaha! I love it! Lots of fun!